We have received the following from California:
In the July PATH is an article entitled - "Shall We Know Our
Friends in Heaven?" I would like to ask if the Swedish Seer Swedenborg, has not
answered that question to the satisfaction of theosophists. If he is accepted
as an authority I should think his answer complete and satisfactory.
Inasmuch as theosophists are of all shades of belief, and as Swedenborg was
of one sort in regard to the matter referred to, his answer cannot be
satisfactory to all theosophists, nor can it be authoritative. The Society, as
such, has no authorities. It was founded with the object of breaking down that
reliance upon "authority" which has been the bane of man for ages, and it would
be strange now if we could admit authority for theosophists. It is true
that sometimes the impression has been conveyed by individuals, that the final
arbiters in matters of belief are the Mahatmas, but at no time has any Mahatma
given out such an idea. We are engaged in trying to develop a truer
appreciation of the Light of Life which is hidden in every man, and so the
"final authority" is the man himself.
It makes very little difference whether Swedenborg or Mr. Chas. Johnston is
right as to the question of meeting our friends in heaven; their beliefs will
not alter the fact whatever it may turn out to be; but even if it is not a
matter of highest importance, we cannot even in that permit any "theosophical
Each of us is the master of his own destiny; each one can read Swedenborg
or Luther as to these matters; but from all such thinkers it can be gathered
that the ancient Bhagavad-Gita is true where it says, that "whatever
nature a man thinks on when he abandons the body at last, to that only does he
go, having been always conformed to that nature," and such is the doctrine of
Path, November, 1887 Home
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