PLACE has been given to Mr. Sinnett's admirably written article "Esoteric
Teaching" for two good reasons:
first, because he requested its publication, and second, because
the theme is excellent and the time propitious. But by its appearance the
PATH is not bound to the conclusions of the learned author. *
Roughly summarizing the history of the recrudescence of the teaching of
the Lodge for this century, we find H.P.B. publicly beginning it, though
guardedly, in Isis Unveiled as herself the messenger of the real
Teachers behind. At that time (1875) she gave private teachings (1)
in America to certain persons. Then in India in the Theosophist,
with H.P.B. as editor, it proceeds to further unfolding in articles entitled
"Fragments of Occult Truth." It is a pity this name was not preserved
and used for the book which the "Fragments" after-wards became-Esoteric
Buddhism. Later the Occult World came out in 1884, and also Esoteric
Buddhism. During all this time H.P.B. was doing her own work with others,
explaining the same philosophy as was given to Mr. Sinnett, and contributed
to literature the Key to Theosophy and the Secret Doctrine.
The fact-not denied by Mr. Sinnett or anyone- is that the letters from the
Masters from which the matter for Esoteric Buddhism was taken came
in the main through H.P.B., for although it is true she "showed surprise"
to Mr.Sinnett on seeing certain things communicated to him in letters from
the Masters, the surprise was not at teachings which were new to her, but
surprise that they were divulged at all, for she knew the teaching, inasmuch
as she taught it under pledge as far back as from 1875 to 1878 in America.
In her Secret Doctrine, availing herself of the same teachers to
whom she introduced Mr. Sinnett, she corrected two errors into which she
said he had fallen, i.e., respecting Devachan and our companion planets.
It is a perfectly unthinkable proposition to say that she was not advised
by the Masters when writing the Secret Doctrine. I who saw many of
the Masters' letters in 1888 in reference to the Secret Doctrine
certainly cannot give up the evidence of my inner and outer senses. I know
as surely as I know any fact that the same teachers were giving her in 1887
and 1888, as before, information for that book, in black upon white, and
I am certain they dictated the corrections given in Secret Doctrine
upon the points now before us. Evidence, eye-sight, and tradition confirm
it, for in 1 876 to 1 878 I was given by her the same theories and the clue
to the misunderstanding which a desire for consistency as to mere words
has now aroused.
Even in 1888 it was not the time to make the point precisely clear
to the public. Times have rule in occult teaching more than most readers
- or writers - of theosophical books suspect. But the clue was given, a
broad hint was thrown out. It is now the time when what I was told
in 1876 and 1878 by the Masters through H.P.B. may be told, since the prohibition
put personally upon me has been withdrawn.
The questions respecting Mars and Mercury - and I might add those which
might have been but were not put about Venus - did touch upon other questions
on the outskirts of higher initiations and which never are and never will
be answered before the right time. The statement in the Master's
letter to Mr. Sinnett that the questions put by the latter approached too
near to secrets of higher initiations did not, it is true, refer directly
to these questions about Mars and Mercury, but that does not alter the fact
that all the questions then propounded on this planetary subject touched
the delicate area; and whether Mr. Sinnett or anyone else liked it or not,
attention had to be drawn off even at the risk of creating a temporary confusion
on the topic. But in 1888 time had rolled on further, and now it is 1893,
and nearer and nearer to another cycle. The clue may now be given. It may
be noticed, if readers will observe, that the many questions raised in reference
to Mars and Mercury served the additional purpose of so distracting the
attention of questioners that hardly any queries were raised about the subject
of "Cycles" on which the Masters had the completest information
but about which the Lodge is more careful to remain silent than in respect
to other points yet the cycles are more important and have more bearing
on life than Mars and Mercury.
Mars, Mercury, and Venus have a special and direct relation to this earth
and its invisible companions. Those three visible spheres have to do with
certain cosmic principles and lines of influence in and on the earth, while
the remaining visible planets of the Solar System have not the same relation.
Read it thus, as taught before Mr. Sinnett was in the T.S., and as repeated
in the Secret Doctrine:
The unseen companions of your earth are united with it in mass, though
different as to quality of substance. The visible planets of your Solar
System which have a relation special and peculiar to Earth are Mars. Mercury,
and Venus. But what that peculiar - nay wonderful - relation is do not
ask, for we will not tell you. If while the current is open you persist
in the question. you will arouse in yourselves a perplexity which the answer
obtained will not relieve. Is there not a spirit of irritation, of rage,
and another of wisdom and active judgment in man and Nature which may relate
to visible planets which are not an actual part of earth's own special
family? This is as far as we will now go.
The whole misunderstanding hinges on the word "relation." It
was a word which led up to many things. The presence of Mars and Mercury
in the sky presents a relation to the earth. yet they have another
relation to it which Saturn, Jupiter, and so on have not, while the
latter bear the same relation to us of proximity as do the first. Admit
the proposed construction above given, and at once there is complete concordance
between Esoteric Buddhism and Secret Doctrine as to esoteric
divulgements. But continue the controversy to try and show that Esoteric
Buddhism had not a single blunder, and perplexities of all sorts impossible
to relieve will spring up on every hand. The Masters have commended the
book, and well so, as it is made up from their letters. But that does not
prevent one making slight mistakes, as, for instance, the one that all men
stay in devachan for 1500 years. This is not the fact, nor is it according
to reason. And I make bold to say that it is not 1500 years since I was
last in devachan, but much less; and this assertion is made on personal
knowledge supported by confirmatory statement from the same Masters. But
it is true that the general run of the human race stays in devachan for
the average time of 1500 years of mortal time.
Mars, Mercury, Venus, then, are a part of our system in the sense of
having an extremely important relation and influence with the human race
and its planets, and having that in mind it was quite permissible for the
teacher to reply that Mars and Mercury belong to our system.
*In the article here referred to by Mr. Judge, published in the same
issue of the Path, Mr. Sinnett had commented critically on the article,
"Mars and Mercury."
(1) Moreover, a considerable part of the philosophy expounded by Mr. Sinnett
was taught in America, even before Isis Unveiled was published, to
two Europeans and In my colleague, Ccl. H. S. Olcott.-Secret Doctrine,
vol. I, p. xix.
Path, September, 1893 Home
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